Monday, 11 February 2013

The Chariot Rides

The 9th of February has passed and all those wishing to submit an entry have done so. Five entries were sent and five entries were approved. The following people will be getting (a) bottle(s) of water in The Games.

Sparky Braginski has earned 3 bottles of water.

Eden Threatening has earned 1 bottle of water.

Death Rose has earned 2 bottles of water.

Miss Cain has earned 3 bottles of water. 

Flame Phoenix has earned 2 bottles of water.

These amounts have been calculated by writing quality, and writing quality alone. For the others who didn't submit a Train Entry, you're on your own to find water in The Games.

Nothing in terms of Players have changed since the last post. No one has dropped out - even though I am aware of one of the competitor's current situation - and no one has joined. As such, this means that everything is the same.

Remember that you need to talk this over with your District partner and that THIS WILL AFFECT YOUR SPONSOR RATES. Be sure to read over the Rules and Functionings Page again to find out what to do in further detail.

The Tributes, having now all arrived at their stations in The Capitol, are guided towards their rooms where their Stylists begin to sort out and explain what they will each be wearing in the Tribute Parade - more commonly known as the Chariot Rides. After a few hours, this is completed, and all the Tributes begin to make their way down to their chariots. 

Start! You have two weeks to send your entries to me via email [] and then comment it on this post after you get my approval. By the 25th of February it has to be completed.